Friday 13 July 2012

Lesson from a missing toothpaste top

Yesterday morning I put the top of the toothpaste down. Without thinking about where I put it. Only focusing on getting my teeth brushed. Once I brushed my teeth I looked for the top to put it back on but I could not find it anywhere. I searched everywhere in the bathroom. Even getting down on my knees to see if the top had rolled under the sink. To no avail. I could not find that toothpaste top anywhere. Deciding not to waste anymore time looking for it, I gave up and went back to my normal morning routine so I could get to work.
While brushing my hair, I spotted the top. Lying on the ledge of the mirror right in front of my face. In plain sight. Nothing obscuring it. Nothing at all. I looked at that top for the longest time trying to figure out how in the world I could have missed a white top sitting on a black ledge. It wasn’t like it had blended into the surroundings because it was such a contrast to where it was lying. So how could I have not seen it?
I shook my head and picked up the top and screwed it slowly back on the toothpaste thinking about why it had been hidden from me. And then I knew I was being reminded not to look so hard for what I want and need. To remember always what I want in life. To remember to let the Universe know what I want. Whisper it to the Universe. Trust it. Then surrender my desires to it.  All while doing what I have to do on a daily basis because every step I am taking is leading me in the direction I am meant to be going in.
No matter how dark it may seem sometimes. No matter how overgrown the path may seem. No matter how long it may seem to be taking. When the time is right and when all the lessons I am meant to learn along the way are done, I will find the meaning of my life. I will find the answer to my prayers, questions, and desires.
Just like that toothpaste top was there in front of my face all the time but because I didn’t pay attention to where I had put it, I lost it for a while. And then I started looking too hard for it. Becoming too frantic, obscuring my ability to see what was right in front of me. But once I surrendered the thought of finding it and went on getting dressed for the day, the top appeared in exactly the place it had been the whole time. Teaching me. Reminding me to trust in the Universe. Have faith that my life is unfolding as it should. Not to sweat the small stuff. To not take anything I am doing for granted. To remember everything and everyone is in our lives for a reason. And then when the time is right, all will be revealed as long as I consciously set my intentions and then surrender them. 
Life always give us what we ask for and believe in when the time is right. When we don’t look too hard that we can’t see. When we don't lose focus on what our intentions are. When we have faith and trust and love. Just like that toothpaste top was there all the time, so is our life plan.

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