Saturday 7 July 2012

When I am brave enough

When you get still enough. When you just let your thoughts go. When you ask the Universe for guidance and then release your concerns without expectation. Without demanding. When you least expect it, the Universe delivers it to you. Out of the blue. From a source you least expect. But you have to remain open to receive. And when you do, you will get the answers you need. All the time. Not what you thought and not what you were expecting. But exactly what you need. And sometimes it hurts when the answer comes. Sometimes it challenges you until you come to your knees. Sometimes it lifts you up. But most times it forces you to come face to face with who you are and what you stand for. And what you won’t. It forces you to be you. If you really want the answer you need.
I am going through an incredible growth period at the moment. I realised this more than ever this morning. And it was with great clarity that I did. I have been asking the Universe to guide me. To help me to make decisions that will free me. To give me the wings I need.
But what I realised this morning is that the Universe has been answering my call. Giving me hints about what I need to do. And when I am honest with myself, I know the Universe is answering me but I am the one who is not doing what I am meant to do. I am the one who the Universe is asking what is it that I truly want. I realise more than ever that the Universe has turned the question back on me. That it has been telling me and is telling me that I have always been free. That I have always had wings. But if I don’t believe in my own power then I will never see or feel that I am free. That I have wings.
This morning I was on my elliptical and anyone who exercises knows that sometimes to keep yourself going you have to watch mind numbing stuff on the TV so I flicked through the channels until I found something that would encourage me to stay on that machine. As I flicked I came across the true life story of Joan and Melissa Rivers. And just as I did, Joan Rivers said, “You can change anything you want.”
And then it hit me, I have the power to change anything I want. No one else can make or break my life. Only me. Whatever signals I am giving out that is exactly what I will get back. When I ask the Universe to help me to know who is true to me and will always be by my side no matter what. And it shows me who they are and also shows me who they are not then I need to trust that. Not analyse it. Not question it. But just accept it for what it is. Because as Maya Angelou says when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
When life shows us a path and it feels right deep down in our souls it is up to us to follow it. No one else can and no one else will.
Here’s to my intuition, the deepest and truest essence of who I am and who I will always be when I take the time to listen and acknowledge the gift I carry. The key to my freedom and to my wings is all within me. When I am brave enough to use it. Only then will I truly soar.

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