Thursday 31 May 2012

Surrendering to the rose pink of the evening and morning

Last evening I sat at my desk at home staring out the window. Watching the sky change from blue to grey to hints of red as the sun began to fade for the day. Making way for the darkness to take over from the light. The natural progression of time.
I watched the stillness of the air. Trying to still my racing brain. Trying not to think about anything but just focusing on the puffy red clouds floating past. Trying to release one thought that was bombarding my mind at a time as each puffy cloud floated by.
Thinking of the Yoga class I had done at lunchtime and the Yoga teacher telling us to just surrender to the poses we were in. Remembering how good it felt to release the tensions I felt when I surrendered into the poses. Remembering the feeling of heat rushing through me when I did. Releasing out into the air. Thinking all I have to do is surrender to this moment. And just sit and watch the stillness and settling of the evening.
As nature was making way for the night to come in. Letting its natural order unfold.  No fuss. Not trying to deny it. Just letting it gently roll in as it was meant to do.
And then I thought why is it that nature lets the natural order of things happen on its own. It does not try to superimpose anything that is not meant to be there. So why do we? Nature doesn’t panic because there is a drought or there is too much rain or it is too cold or it is too hot. It just adjusts itself according to the situation it finds itself in and goes with the flow. It surrenders to its circumstances no matter how threatening those circumstances may be. Because it knows this too shall pass.
So why can’t we? Why do we make life so complicated and difficult? Layering challenge after challenge on top of each other. Trying so hard to make ourselves appear to be busy, stressed and overwhelmed as if they are badges of our worth.
When in fact what would serve us better would be to embrace each moment in our lives. Slowing down sometimes to stare out the window and watch the wonders of nature unfold. Watch the day turn into night. Listen to the birds doing their evening call. Listen to our children playing. Accept that it is okay sometimes to just surrender and be still.
And then we will see and understand that it is in the moment of our surrender that we understand we are a part of something so magical. So wonderful. So abundant. And we will inhale and exhale with gratitude as our bodies, minds and souls remember we are all here for a reason. We are all necessary. And if we stopped searching all the time for the next best thing and instead focused on the beauty and magic that unfold before us each and every day we would know to be patient and accepting because our lives, just like nature, are unfolding as they are meant to.
This morning I am staring out the window at the breaking dawn. The sky reminding me so much of the twilight sky the evening before that I feel as if I am in the same moment as I was last evening. But I know it’s different because it’s another day and time. Reminding me that even when we feel we have not progressed because everything feels and looks the same, nothing is ever the same because we change every second, every minute, every hour of every single day. And just like nature and time we just have to roll with it. Surrender to it. Enjoy our stillness whenever we can. Give ourselves time to breathe and appreciate so we can see there is enough in this world for each one of us to be all we can be.

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