Thursday 24 May 2012

Replacing why me with yes me

Remembering to give thanks for answers to prayers. For answers to directions. For answers to questions to the Universe. Remembering to take the time to reflect. To be still. To empty my mind of asking.
Sometimes I spend my days asking, seeking, testing, pleading. Questioning why me? Questioning why life seems so easy for others but an uphill battle for me.
Last night I sat on the edge of my bed and reflected about my life. About the prayers I have whispered to the Universe. About the questions I have asked over and over again. About where I am heading in my life. About why I am not getting the answers that I need. About why I feel like my path is being obscured from me. I questioned why truth was being hidden from me?
I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. Without trying to direct it. Without trying to interfere with the path it wanted to take. Without question. And I realised I have been blessed with so many gifts and treasures from the Universe already. I held my head low and felt shame run through me. Shame because I have been so focused on what I want that I have forgotten what I already have and what I have already been given.
I thought about situations I believed I was not strong enough to handle. And how well I had handled them. About people that have come into my life to challenge me. Irritate me . And how well I had handled them. Of how with each challenge I learned a little more about myself and others. And then I realised that instead of uttering why me, I will start saying yes me. I will deal with the challenges head on in the best way I know how. Because only then will I see the blessings, gifts and treasures in everything and everyone that comes before me.
And I felt the shame be replaced with a full heart. A grateful heart. A loving heart. And I felt an intense gratitude for my life.  For every encounter.  Every person. Because they are the answers I am seeking. The response to my pleadings.  They are my truth.
So I have decided that instead of praying and pleading for answers, I will try instead to say thank you over and over again. To give myself some time to see the daily gifts and treasures that are bestowed upon me by the Universe.  To shift my energy so that I can feel the true essence of the spirit flow through me.
Because as Louie Hay says, “Life is really very simple. What I give out, I get back. What I believe becomes true for me.”
And for learning to embrace the power of gratitude, the power of intention, the power of  introspection, and the power of reflection I am truly grateful.

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