Thursday 3 May 2012

Miraculously transforming our lives is easier than we think

"Accept—then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it...This will miraculously transform your whole life."
—  Eckhart Tolle
I read this a few days ago and it resonated with me but I did not know why so I stored it away until the time was right to explore it. And it seems this morning is the time.
I am finding myself in situations I did not expect myself to be. My life seems to be speeding by in a blur. Some of my decisions seem to be taking me in directions I did not expect. Some of the people that are entering my life are people I least expected would. Some of the people that are exiting my life are people I least expected would. Sometimes I feel like I am going round and round in circles. Trying to find the way out. Only to find there is no way out.
This week has been a week of trials with people, places and things. I have been left scratching my head about some of the reactions I have had from people making me question myself. I have been amazed by some of the conversations I have been having with people. And then I found this quote by Eckhart Tolle and I knew instantly that I was being sent a message. It just took me a few days to process what the message was and is.
This morning I got it. Felt it. Understood it. I was being told to just accept- then act.
To know that whatever the present moment contains, if I accept it as something I have chosen, I will see the lesson in it. And if I do, I will work for it. Through it. With it. Embrace it. See the benefit of it because I will believe no matter how uncomfortable the present moment is, it is of my choosing. And if I resist it, it will grow until I can’t see beyond it. Hence the feeling of going round in circles. Seeing no end.
Refusing to accept our present moment forces that moment to seem like it is never ending. Owning the present moment and working work with it allows the lesson we are meant to learn happen a lot faster. Allowing the discomfort caused by expectation, ego to dissipate. And go away. Leaving room for the inner self to expand.
I am being told that once I embrace the moment even if it is not what I am expecting, only then will it pass. I will try this as much as possible particularly in those situations where I feel the most uncomfortable because only then will I receive one of the greatest gifts of the Universe – the gift of greater understanding and compassion.
Every moment, every second, every person, every situation, every discomfort has come into our lives because we have chosen it. Embracing it. Seeing through it. Facing it. Is the only way we can reclaim our lives as our own. Making way for us to miraculously transform our lives into the lives we are meant to live.
Thank  you Eckhart Tolle for reminding me just how easy life can be if we accept we are where we are meant to be. Warts and all.

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