Saturday 12 May 2012

There truly is a lot of beauty in this world

There is truly a lot of beauty in this world. Take a look at a rose.
A lot of peace and peaceful people. Look at the face of the Dalai Lama, Oprah, Mother Theresa. Ghandi, Martin Luther King. Look into their eyes.
A lot of love and like minded people. Look at the face of a baby. The clarity of his eyes.
A lot of compassion and compassionate people. Look into the eyes of an elderly person.
A lot of extraordinary ordinary things. A lot of ordinary extraordinary things. Take a look at the clouds in a blue sky. The leaves rustling in the breeze. A butterfly fluttering by.
There is a symphony of sounds around us naturally every day if we stop to listen. Listen to the sound of the pouring rain. Listen to the sound of the wind. Listen to the sound of birds chirping.  Listen to the sound of silence. Listen.
Sometimes we are too blind to see and hear the wonders that unfold every single day. Sometimes it is obscured from our vision. Blocked out from our hearing. Because our focus is on the negative. On what’s wrong rather than on what’s right.  Attracting more of what we believe into our lives rather than what we want and need.
By writing this blog I have discovered so many beautiful and wonderful people searching for the light. Searching for peace. Searching for love, understanding and joy. Trying to live their lives as light beings the majority of the time. I have connected with people whose hearts, bodies, minds and souls are in alignment with the natural order of the Universe  allowing them to radiate love. Inspiring people. I have met people who don’t take nature for granted. Who don’t take people for granted or themselves for that matter. And as a consequence a light shines out from them into my heart allowing me to send that light back out into the hearts of others. If they are open to receive it.
I was looking at my friend’s Facebook page and came across two wonderful Facebook pages called Rumi quotes and Kahlil Gibran. The photos and graphics used on these pages are just as beautiful and just as illuminating as the words used from these famous prophets and gurus. Inspirational words that resonated through my whole being.
I used to be one who was totally against all of the social networking sites because of the damage they can cause. But now that I am writing my blog (which has allowed me to open my mind to many people, places and things I would not have otherwise), I totally understand the benefits of social media if it is used in a positive manner.
Social media is far reaching. And it is Universal. It allows us to hear from friends far and near. To connect with people we may not otherwise connect with. It is a powerful tool to spread messages of love, light and peace around the world. Instantaneously.  
I am happy to be a part of social networking. It allows me and other like minded people to spread messages of hope. Of peace. Of love and light to all those likeminded people who are open to receive it.
There truly is a lot of love and light and compassion and peace in this world. We just have to be in the frame of mind to connect with it. All we need to do is move in circles of likeminded people. Of compassionate and loving people and soon our world will be expanded to become a part of that energy. And we will embrace that energy. Allowing us to become better people.
Remembering always there is a lot of beauty in this world. A lot of love. A lot of peace. A lot of joy. A lot of light. Enough for us all to share in. To connect with because we are all one. Each connected from a tiny atom that joined to form the reality we live in. And share.
May you share in the natural beauty, love, light, peace, and joy in your world today. As I intend to.

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