Thursday 6 March 2014

I am the light of my soul

This morning I woke up full of dark thoughts and that scarcity mentality that was pulling me down into the abyss. Making me feel like life is pulling me down. I had no inspiration to write because I was feeling so false, so inadequate. I mediated but the music somehow did not transport me to that place of release I needed so I got grumpier. Wallowing in my place of pity.
And then I searched for one of my favourite songs, Ave Maria and found it on You! Tube but when I clicked to play the song, I instead clicked on the song, I am the light of my soul by mistake. And these words came to be, I am the light of my soul. I am beautiful. I am bountiful. I am bliss. I am. I am. I am. I am.
When I heard those beautiful and lilting words. Truly heard them and felt them, I knew I did not click on that song by mistake, I was led there by my angels, my guides to focus me, to help me, to guide me because my soul was immediately lifted as my whole being began to cry in relief. 
Relief to to know that though there are several obstacles and trials that have come before me, the words to this simple but beautiful song grounded me. Reminded me that I am all that I am because of what I tell myself.
Yes there are people that are challenging me right now. Challenging me to question whether I am where I am able to accept that I am the light of my soul. Forcing me to question whether I truly believe that I am bountiful. To question whether I am bliss. Whether I am deserving of my beauty and the beauty that surrounds me.
So when I listened to this song particularly because I was feeling like I am standing still while everyone else around me seems to be moving at top speed, I closed my eyes and let those words fill me up. Helping me to see I am all that I am because I am. Letting me know there is nothing outside me that can control me unless I give my power, my soul, my beauty, my bountifulness, and my bliss away to them.
There is no one else that can be the light of my soul except for me therefore it is up to me to accept that I am the light of my soul particularly on those days when everyone around me is trying to make me believe that I have no control over that light. Particularly when they are trying to steal the light that I carry naturally within. I inhaled deeply those words allowing them to travel through every cell of my body. Letting each word ignite the light that resides within me. Allowing me to exhale fully and appreciatively. Until the light of my soul felt fuelled and ready to grow some more.Accepting of the challenges as means for growth. My growth.
Next I allowed the words that I am beautiful to flow through me. To allow me to see the beauty that resides within me so that I can see and feel the beauty in all things. Recognising that when I do I am released from feeling like I am not good enough. Allowing me to know that beauty comes from within. To know it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder because only the beholder can see true beauty by embracing beauty from within.The most beautiful comes from a place deep within us because it is us.
Allowing me to accept that I am bountiful. That I create either my bountifulness or my scarcity by what I believe about myself. Because what I believe about myself is what I bring into the room with me wherever I go. Even on those days when it feels like everyone around me is hoarding for themselves. Taking from me to have more. But when I tell myself I am bountiful I know I am deserving of the bountifulness and then something shifts. I no longer feel that I need to hoard to have more. I realise I have enough to share and in doing so more comes to me. When we trick ourselves into believing we deserve more than someone else we always end up with less. But when we know that we are bountiful, regardless of what anyone else has, we attract more.
Taking me to that place of bliss that lets me know that I am bliss. Bliss because I am so full of life. So full of all that is full of light, beauty and love allowing my being to resonate at a vibration that allows bliss to flow into my soul, my heart, my being lifting me up even when all around me seems dull and dark. Bliss is having the ability to accept everything and everyone comes to us to help us to reach our state of bliss. Accepting that bliss may not be readily available when we search for it but when we are accepting of where we are, we allow space for bliss to come in because I realise I am, I am. I  am.
So today because I am being seriously tested right now to see what it is that I really want, my mantra is:
I am the light of my soul
I am beautiful
I am bountiful
I am bliss
I am
I am
I am
I am
And already I feel myself floating, drifting, and totally being present in this flow of life. In this dance called my life journey with all its ups and downs. Letting go of expectation when I can to allow for all that I am to come to the surface with acceptance, peace, and gratitude because I am. I am. I am. I am.

I am who I believe I am. I am what I believe I am worthy of. And when I shift from telling myself what I am not to what I am, I become what and who I am capable of becoming because I am the light of my soul. I am beautiful. I am bountiful. I am bliss. I am. I am. I am…

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