Tuesday 21 January 2014

Nothing more powerful than the power of love

There is nothing more powerful than the power of love. Nothing more entangling than the power of love. Nothing more fulfilling than the power of love.
The scent. The touch. The feel of love. Only love uplifts us, fulfills us and gives us purpose.
It is love that wakes us up in the morning with its promise of love. It is love that fills our hearts so we know compassion in a way we would never have known. Love is more powerful than any other emotion we have because it is love that makes us who we are. A lack of love leaves us wrinkled, without purpose and full of fear.
It is love that gives us that glow. That energy that everyone wants to be around. That feeling of trust and abandon that what will be will be.
I was reminded of the power of love last night when my husband of 21 years took my hand and held it in his. A simple gesture that was done without expectation but was done with the intention of passing his love onto me. Filling my whole being with this intense burst of feelings that is almost impossible to describe. Or to explain. Except to say with his simple gestures I knew and felt his love pour into me as I felt my love pour into him. An exchange of feelings without saying a word. A recommitment of our commitment to each other without speaking a word. An enduring love is a love that knows even on  those days when we feel so far from love, love still remains, we just have to find our way back to it.
An enduring love is the love that knows that no matter what happens, no matter where we are taken, we have faith that all roads will lead us back to the place of love that brought us together in the first place. The place where there is nothing but love, true love. An enduring love knows even in the face of temptation, there is nothing more satisfying than being with the one who knows who we truly are, really are beneath all the protective layers we put up to guard ourselves from hurt and pain.
An enduring love knows and guides us to be the best people we can be even when we feel we can give no more. Love knows there is nothing more powerful than it. Nothing more enduring than it. And that’s why when we find love, we must nurture it even when we feel we can give no more. Even when we feel like we have gone to the brink of despair, we must remember love conquers all. Heals all. Is all.
It was the simple gesture of my husband taking my hand last night that reminded me of the intimacy of enduring love. That opened me up to remember what love truly is. To understand it is a journey just like everything else in our lives. Sweeping us up in it power , shooting us to our highest heights before bringing us back to ground us before plummeting us to our deepest fears. But when we let go and love, we understand there is nothing more powerful than love. Nothing more satisfying than love. Nothing more enduring than love. Nothing more powerful than the power of love.
Love. Love. Love. 

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