Wednesday 8 January 2014

Exhausting Being Everyone but Me

What are we looking for as individuals?
What is it that we really want out of life?
When do we know we have what we are meant to have?
At what point do we feel like we are living the lives we are meant to be living?
Do we ever reach that point or are we always striving for more?
What happens when the door opens but it does not feel like our door?
What happens when several doors open at the same time?
How do we know which door is meant for us and more importantly which door is not?
Is there really a right door and a wrong door or are they all right and wrong?
Could it be possible that every path we take, every choice we make, every decision is right and wrong for us at the same time?
Questions, questions, questions are filling my heart today
Crowding my mind today
Because I am searching, seeking, probing
As many of us do at the beginning of the year
At the beginning
Because we project so far ahead
Trying to direct our lives
As I am
Right now
Trying to see the destination
Before I even understand my journey
Rather than living it for what it is
Instead of what it isn't
Living each moment
Studying each moment
Being grateful in each moment
For each moment
Appreciating that it could be my last moment
I know how to root myself
But sometimes I don’t want to, can’t and have no desire to be rooted
In that moment
Sometimes I want to be over there more than I want to be here
Sometimes I do not want to be where I am
But if I stop and listen
Really listen to the sound of me
To the sound of my silence
To the sound of my voice
I will know that every path
Every step
Every decision
Every choice
I have made
Without blaming anyone else
Has brought me to this place of questions
To this place of seeking
To this place of probing
And if that is really the case
Then only I 
Can get myself out of this place
Of questioning
Of probing
Of seeking
But how 
I ask
But why
I probe
But when 
I demand
Only when I am ready 
Comes the answer
Only when I learn 
Comes the whisper
Then the wave
Only when the time feels truly right 
Booms loud and clear
And only I will know
Arives the conclusion
But I have to be courageous enough
Brave enough
Strong enough
To buck the tide
To not try to be so dreadfully normal
Which leads to boredom
To not desire to be so easily mainstream
Which leads to stagnation
To not fall into the trap of following the crowd
Because I so desperately want to be accepted by everyone else
Instead to recognise
Sometimes I have to walk alone
To understand who I am and what I want
And sometimes walking alone
With my head above the crowd can be terrifying
And that’s why it is so easy to fall into the status quo
To be like everyone else
To do what everyone else expects
But then when I do
That’s when I get the questions
Rather than the answers
I seek
A feeling of unrest
Rather than rest
A feeling of wanting to be over there
Rather than here
So it is on me 
To listen to me
To be me
To fully embody
Who I am
And what I asked to come here to be
As it is my short
No one else’s
So it is time to let go
And let be
So I can finally be me
But well worth it
I know
Because it’s exhausting

Being everyone but me

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