Saturday 8 September 2012

All will be well

Anticipation. Worrying about what will happen next. Not trying to become too complacent. These are the feelings I am experiencing as a result of Tropical Storm Leslie that became Hurricane Leslie that has once again become Tropical Storm Leslie.
We are all on alert. Everyone trying to predict what she will do when she can’t decide what to do. Sitting almost stationary for a while then moving slowly at her own pace. Clearly being fueled or not fueled by something leaving even the best meteorologists confused. No one knows where she will go or what she will do.
Still on guard just in case. Everyone in a holding pattern. People who were supposed to travel not knowing whether they will be able to get out or not. People who were prepared for the worst are disappointed that she may turn into nothing. Not me.  I am grateful beyond words that she has decided to spare us. When I think back to the long and frightening hours we were pounded by Hurricane Fabian in 2003, I am so relieved and joyous not to have to spend the next 50 hours feeling helpless under the wrath of an unpredictable hurricane.
It is Saturday morning and I am looking out the window watching the dark sky. Almost black at times. I don’t see my morning star Venus. She is obscured by the clouds. Wondering again what Tropical Storm Leslie will do. Fretting about something I have no control over.
And then I saw the image of woman in the clouds. Beautiful - floating past my window with a trail of clouds following her almost as if she was blowing them out. And then a curtain of heavy dark black clouds blanketed the sky. The wind starting to pick up. Trees bending in the breeze.
Dark and ominous clouds with red hues behind them speeding by now with the wind. If nothing else, this hurricane has shown me  life is much easier when we live in the now. Not projecting into the future because it can change by forces that are beyond our control. Not planning beyond the moment we are in right now because that it is all we have control over. 
As if the Universe was trying to affirm my thinking, in the midst of the dark, dark clouds is the shape of a heart, a love heart. And it is full of light letting me know all will be well. All will be well. Birds are now chirping further affirming all will be well as animals disappear when there is bad weather but they are out and chirping letting me know all will be well. All will be well.
And for this blessing and lesson I am truly grateful.

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