Monday 18 June 2012

Moving beyond the dream killers

Don’t tell too many people your dreams. There are dream killers out there who want to kill your dreams. Keep your dreams to yourself so they can become your reality.
I heard this advice being given to a young man by his father and it sent chills down my spine. Chills because it resonated with me on such a deep level. We all have dreams and have had dreams. And if we really think about the dreams that have been spoiled, it’s because someone told us they were impossible and out of our reach. So we overanalysed them until we believed they were impossible. Until we believed we were not good enough. Until they no longer were dreams and seemed so far out of our reach.
And then worse, something inside of us died because that dream was so important to us. So much a part of our make up. And we didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know where to turn because suddenly all around us became dark. Unfamiliar. The light snuffed out. And we stop believing in dreams. Stop believing in ourselves. Just stopped.
We moved into automatic pilot. Doing what everyone expected us to do. Stayed within the confines of what was considered safe rather than reaching out again and finding that dream and resurrecting it. This time not telling anybody about it. This time just quietly doing what we have to do to manifest that dream.
Because we recognise without dreams, we are nothing. Dreams are portals to our soul. Glimpses into the who we are meant to be. Instruments for us to reach beyond the stars and moon. Opening us to the impossible. Tapping us into our imaginations.
Some of us allow our imaginations to carry us into that which everyone us tells us is impossible. And we achieve it. While others shut off their imaginations thinking they are foolish, impossible and fantasy. Causing them to stagnate. And that is why some of us make it and others don’t. Some of us believe there is no such thing as impossible. Because some of us believe and accept if we think it, we can be it.
One of the greatest dangers of our society is limiting ourselves to the beliefs of others. Of thinking and believing we are not good enough for our dreams. Telling too many people what our dreams are and allowing them to smash them. Dash them because they have been brainwashed to not believe.
So I agree with that father wholeheartedly. There are too many dream killers out there and the reason there are is because someone told them that dreams are impossible. And they believed and their souls were crushed. So they end up living a life of mediocrity and they want everyone else to join them. But we don’t have to. I don’t have to because my dreams are my dreams. No one else’s and it’s up to me to live the life of my dreams. Shutting out the naysayers. And opening my wings to allow my dreams to carry me to the heights I am meant to be.
Here's to moving beyond the dream killers and opening ourselves to all that we are meant to be because after all we are products of our imagination.

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