Saturday 9 June 2012

Finding my joy

What brings me the most joy?
My Florida sisters had this question on their website a while back and it has been haunting me ever since. The question coming and going in my mind. Whirling. Twirling. Upside down. Inside out. But there nonetheless.
Forcing me to ask, if I had all the money in the world and could choose to do anything I wanted what would bring me the most joy.
Number one would be being at home with my family.
Knowing my children’s educational expenses were secure and they could have the choice of universities they wanted to attend
Knowing my husband was content with himself
Knowing I am content with myself
Knowing my family unit is content with each other
Writing from sun up to sun down and then some  more in between
Spreading my joy and abundance to those who least expect it but need it
Spreading my love and light to those who are facing their darkest hour
Letting them know that we all face our deepest darkest demons when we are in a process of immense growth. When we are being given the opportunity to really see the face in the mirror. When we have to define who we are and who we are not.
Being able to walk in nature whenever I want to without feeling confined to do what someone else wants me to do
Remembering joy comes from a place deep within us and can be sourced at all time. Remembering it is joy that attracts more joy into our lives. Living outside of joy is what repels our dreams from us because we are not allowing ourselves to be open
Feeling joy from deep within our souls allows us to open our hearts to the everyday abundance and joy in our lives.
So now I know that even if I don’t have to have all the money in the world to source my joy, it is up to me everyday to bring it to the forefront so that I can experience the joy that is ever present through the simple acts of breathing, of waking up, of confronting my darkest shadow self. Of growing more. Of learning more. Of exploring more.
Joy is in everything we do. It just depends on whether we look at the glass as half empty or half full.
Every experience whether good or bad is there to bring us joy because it is helping us to understand we can shift our consciousness every single time to either look at the experience as an opportunity or a trial. Whether we will paint ourselves as a victim or victor. Whether we can overcome or succumb. Whether we can embrace joy or reject it. If we choose the positive side of the experience we will feel joy like no other because of what we have overcome.
So what brings me joy? Joy itself and my ability to look at it and see it for what it is. All encompassing, inspiring and infinite.
May you find your joy today without searching but by just being.
Joy to the world today and to you and to me.

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