Saturday 30 June 2012

Following our hearts can be difficult

Following our hearts can be one of the most difficult things we can ever do particularly when we place expectations on our decisions.
Following our intuition is even harder when we do so with expectation.
Sometimes it’s easier to be on the bottom looking up then on the top looking down. At least that way you know who genuinely wants to be in your life for who you are rather than what you are and what you can give them.
Life has a strange way of knocking us down. Forcing us to look at who we truly are beneath the carefully constructed façade we show to the outside world. It has a way of making us confront the real self that lurks behind the mask because masks cannot be worn all the time.
When we least expect our decisions to be turned upside down by the people we least expect to turn them upside down we get a rude awakening about trust. However what we learn the most is the only person we can rely on is ourselves. No one can make our decisions. When we are knocked down enough or the path we thought we were going down turns out not to be the path we need, we are forced to examine why we made certain decisions and whether they came from a place of ego or love.
And when we step back from our disappointments and truly examine why they occurred, we often learn that the decisions we made from a place of ego often end in the ego being bruised beyond measure. Because we always get what we are serving up.
Reminding me that we have to make sure we are going about things with good intentions. Because whatever it is we are hiding will come to the surface and bite us – often publicly and shamefully.
Decisions made with good intentions but don’t turn out the way we thought they would are often as a result of us going down a path that is not right for us. And life is trying to redirect us or show us that the people we thought we could trust are not authentic. 
 Life always has a way of righting what is wrong. Of bringing to the forefront what is hidden and making us question who we are and what we want out of this life.
Letting go of expectation frees us to follow our heart and our intuition because it allows us to act from a place of good intention rather than ego. Hard lesson but freeing if we can learn to trust who we are and why we are here. 

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