Friday 21 March 2014

World Happiness Day and the Spring Equinox

Yesterday was World Happiness Day and it was one of those days that truly lifted my spirit particularly because I felt when I looked random people in the eye and smiled at them, a burst of light and energy went from me to them then boomeranged back to me. Filling my spirit with such joy and delight. I loved every minute of World Happiness Day because I let go of anything that was too heavy for me to bear and instead lived on the light side of my journey. And it was beautiful.
Happiness is infectious because it is so liberating. So freeing. So beautiful. It starts with a small tinge and spreads like wildfire through our beings. Igniting us. Making way for passion to spring forth. Allowing us to be creative because we are so alive to the present moment.  No longer thinking or fearing anything that happened seconds before or that could happen seconds later.
I loved how I felt yesterday because every time I smiled at someone, they smiled back. Every time I told someone it was World Happiness Day, some would take a while for what I said to register. Others questioned what it meant. And where it had come from. Who had declared that yesterday was World Happiness Day? But most were intrigued by its meaning. And lifted by the thought of what it meant even the most cynical.
I discovered that when I added the statement, “make someone smile today”, I would naturally smile while saying it causing whomever I said it to to respond by smiling back. Making my smile grow even more genuine and larger. And anyone within our close proximity would feel the happiness energy and they would smile too.
Teaching me that happiness is truly a state of mind. An ability to surrender to all that is, was and ever will be. Accepting that we are where we are meant to be. That everyone and everything that crosses our path does so for a reason. Because when we smile. When we declare ourselves to be happy, no matter what I going on around us, we feel joy, contentment and peace.
I loved that yesterday was declared World Happiness Day because it fell on the Equinox of Winter and Spring, and the day here in Bermuda could not have been any more beautiful. So all of my senses were awakened to what it means to be happy. To be joyful. To be a bringer and spreader of love and light without expectation. Without preparation. Without understanding. Just by being fully present in the moment. Taking my smile with me wherever I went.
So I have decided that from time to time I will declare days to be World Happiness Days of my random choosing particularly on those days when I don’t feel I have anything to be happy about because that is exactly when I need to make others smile because in making them smile, I smile, others smile, we all smile and discover just how fortunate we all are. Just how blessed we are in this journey called life because we understand happiness is not a state it is a process just as we are. A journey that is neither stagnant nor frozen.
I am so grateful to have experienced my first World Happiness Day and here’s to many more. Allowing good thoughts to radiate from me changing me to be beautiful inside and out and spreading to those who cross my path as well.  
See how long it takes for you to remain unhappy when you listen to the Happy Song by Pharrell Williams. Hum it and feel how easy it is to be happy. Love it. Thank you world Happiness Day for spreading the love by allowing us to tap into the bountiful reservoir of our inner and natural place of happiness particularly on the first day of Spring. Because I'm Happy...

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